Sunday, September 21, 2008

What's Next? Fresh Ideas & Stronger Relationships

Participants in Wednesday’s Leatherstocking AEA panel reinforced some basics about communications between nonprofits and the media while also providing encouragement and bringing up new questions. Check out the post below in order to view video clips and listen to the program online.
All of the panelists began by emphasizing the importance of establishing relationships with appropriate contacts and being knowledgeable about the process of getting in print/on air. Calvin Stovall of The Press & Sun Bulletin told those in attendance that, although “there is an art to doing this,” persistence will lead to experience and success.

Familiarity with the organization—both your own nonprofit as well as the media outlet you’re targeting—is key. The panelists stressed the importance of doing your homework before contacting a media outlet; know the organization, their objectives, and their target demographic. It’s also important to have someone available to communicate effectively with media contacts on your organization’s behalf.

So what’s next? How has your organization been working to develop relationships with local media? Did the panel spark any new ideas about utilizing the media to increase the visibility of your organization?

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