Thursday, April 15, 2010

Franklin Stage Company announces 2010 hiatus but will reopen in 2011

I realize that this may seem unexpected and disappointing, and for that I apologize; but the truth is that there is an urgent need, and now a great opportunity, for some crucial rethinking and restructuring of FSC so that we can relaunch in 2011 stronger and more secure. This is indeed a necessary "breath," a respite from production during which to step back, assess and build the future of FSC.

The Board of Trustees has been very supportive, which I greatly appreciate, and we are looking for ways to keep the building open for some limited programming in 2010. Jim Mullen will present another of his eagerly anticipated solo shows and in September Tom Morgan will present a sequel to 2009's much beloved Tales from the Empire. We are considering other possibilities and will keep you informed as we create a schedule.

On behalf of FSC, I thank you for your support and loyalty as we forge a brighter and more sustainable future for the company.

With hope and gratitude,

Carmela Marner
Executive Director

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