Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The True Impact of a Small Nonprofit on Business

The Daily Star reported on the recent news that the owner of the Oneonta Theatre has joined forces with a talent promoter to present performances, concerts, touring groups, community events and fundraisers on the historic stage at 47 Chestnut St.

This partnership replaces original plans for the Friends of the Oneonta Theatre to operate the facility, pay rent and utilities, fix up the facility and offer programs. Read the article here.

This development should not come as a surprise with the current funding environment and challenges arts and cultural nonprofits are having in raising operating dollars. Could this small, volunteer group really operate and renovate this building at full capacity? Could they have brought it up to full operation quickly, bringing new business to downtown in the next couple of months? Probably not, but even if they could in the short term, the future sustainability would have been in question. With so many arts and cultural nonprofits struggling in the region, the capacity for support and fundraising is strained.

But what should be recognized is what a group of grassroots supporters accomplished that no one else seemed to be able to do. Friends of the Oneonta Theatre should be credited with the redevelopment of this important property, and helping kick start this new business partnership. Their volunteer efforts, fundraising and advocacy are a clear demonstration of the positive and essential impact nonprofits can have on downtown Oneonta and the business community. Have your own thoughts, share them here or send them by e-mail.

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