Thursday, February 26, 2009

How are you using Facebook? Join the discussion!

With our recent announcement about the April 1st program focusing on Facebook use amongst nonprofits in the region, we are hearing from a number of you about your own use. For example, one organization is thinking about using social networking programs as recuitment tools. Do you have an example you would like to share? Join us on Facebook on our Group page to share your input. Click here or sign into Facebook and search for Leatherstocking Agency Executives Association.

1 comment:

Amy said...

We're using facebook to alert fans to upcoming events. We hope to become a household word in the Oneonta area eventually. We are Oneonta World of Learning (OWL):

We're also learning a lot from networked friends we've never met in person. I found this website on LinkedIn--the goal of this website is to connect unemployed consultants with nonprofits. It's an opportunity for consultants to keep their skills and their resumes sharp in a time when everybody could use a boost.

I wonder if something like that could work here in upstate NY?