Thursday, May 1, 2008

AEA Program Ideas

The Steering Committee is working to set up a conference call to discuss possible program ideas for the next AEA meeting on June 4th. A couple ideas have been mentioned for the Group by different directors. One idea is to replicate the recent efforts of the Oneida and Herkimer ED Group and their staff assessment survey. This survey is going to be used for a program discussion on staff retention in their region. You can read more about it here. Another idea is to focus on the topic of board assessment. As one director remarked recently, a board assessment is a tricky undertaking, but is an integral part of your nonprofit operations. A board assessment helps the board look at themselves collectively and chart their next steps (for example, in identifying areas of need on the board, better defining job descriptions, or addressing committee structures). This process helps answer the question for the board of what do we need right now. Do you have other program ideas? Please feel free to share them by posting your comments here.

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