Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Helpful Resources for dealing with Sandy

To our NYC Members and all Members across New York State dealing with the aftermath of Sandy... Our thoughts are with you, your staff, and the community in this very difficult time. If there is anything we can do to assist, by posting notices, helping you connect with other nonprofit resources, etc. please let us know. ~NYCON staff and Board.

Some Helpful Resources:
Disaster Distress Helpline
American Red Cross Greater NY Region
Governor Cuomo Holds Storm Briefing

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Drive 4 Your Community Program

Hosted by Oneonta Ford
SATURDAY OCTOBER 27, 2012   10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Take a no obligation test drive and Ford will donate $20 to United Way of Del & Otsego Co.


Limit one test drive per household. 
Must test drive vehicle to enter drawing for gas card.

If you want to schedule a specific time to test drive please call Oneonta Ford Directly 432-7300 and speak with Pat Coleman.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Reports Shed Light on Payout Practices and Expense Patterns of U.S. Foundations

New York, NY — October 23, 2012. The Foundation Center, the nation's leading authority on philanthropy, has released new reports that examine the payout practices and spending patterns of more than 1,000 larger U.S. independent foundations. These reports provide an authoritative, unbiased source of knowledge to help the public and policymakers better understand foundation practice and to help foundations benchmark their own activities.

Understanding and Benchmarking Foundation Payout explains the concept of payout, which refers to the total amount that a foundation reports as its charitable distribution. (The law requires the vast majority of private U.S. grantmaking foundations to distribute at least 5 percent of their net investment assets for charitable purposes each year.) The report is the first of its kind to track payout practices of the largest U.S. foundations. It finds that during the period 2007-2009, the largest share of endowed foundations (46 percent) reported payout rates in the range of 5 to 5.9 percent, on average. Nearly one-in-five foundations had payout rates at or above 10 percent. The Foundation Center does not take sides on whether the minimum payout rate should be higher or lower — whether foundation assets should be spent down quickly or preserved long-term — rather it provides data and research to inform the debate.

"While the very top grantmakers tend to pay out close to the 5 percent minimum, there is surprising variation in payout levels of larger foundations overall, and annual rates are affected by drastic changes in the stock market," said Loren Renz, the author of the report and vice president emeritus for research at the Foundation Center. "Only by averaging these rates across multiple years can a balanced view of payout practices be realized."

The amount a foundation spends on staff, overhead, and other program-related administrative expenses is included in the calculation of its qualifying distributions each year. Benchmarking Foundation Administrative Expenses: Update on How Operating Characteristics Affect Spending considers how differences in foundations’ infrastructure, operations, and programmatic activities influence their spending patterns.

The report finds that whether a foundation employs paid staff is the single most important factor affecting its expense levels, followed by staff size. In addition, foundations that regularly engage in international grantmaking, foundation-administered programs, or making grants directly to individuals have expenses-to-qualifying distribution ratios that are roughly twice as high as those that do not.

Understanding and Benchmarking Foundation Payout and Benchmarking Foundation Administrative Expenses can be downloaded at no charge from the Gain Knowledge area of the Foundation Center's web site.

This research was made possible through support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

About the Foundation Center
Established in 1956, the Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data, analysis, and training, it connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to succeed. The Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. and, increasingly, global grantmakers and their grants — a robust, accessible knowledge bank for the sector. It also operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance knowledge of philanthropy at every level. Thousands of people visit the Center's web site each day and are served in its five regional library/learning centers and its network of more than 470 funding information centers located in public libraries, community foundations, and educational institutions nationwide and around the world. For more information, please visit foundationcenter.org or call (212) 620-4230.

**To read more of their press releases CLICK HERE

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

UPMC Among Nonprofits Eager to Avoid Paying Property Taxes

An interesting article about a major nonprofit (UPMC) who is making a rare move in order to avoid paying property taxes. Click on the link below to read this article and learn more about what types of deals other nonprofits are making. 
View Article Here

The 2011 Member Mapping Report is now available!

2011 Member Mapping Report from National Council of Nonprofits
A unique report that gives your State Association data and analyses that are relevant to every State Association board and staff member in the National Council of Nonprofits' network. 

The 2011 report addresses many frequently asked questions, including:
  • How are State Associations weathering the economy?
  • How do State Associations earn revenue other than through member dues?
  • Why are the numbers of people trained through our network trending down?
  • Why are there lots of new members in State Associations every year, but not a corresponding growth in the network?
  • Does a State Association’s policy work attract new members?

View Report Here

Recap and Webinar Recording Now Available From Sept. 26th

Recap and Webinar Recording Now Available!
Leatherstocking AEA Special Collaboration Webinar Program September 26th:
Collaborating and Maximizing Your Partnerships: Webinar Discussion
Panel Discussion and Overview of Collaboration Database 
This program featured a discussion about programmatic collaboration. The discussion featured a special collaboration presentation and overview the nonprofit collaboration database, a new venture.  

Presenters included: 
  • Pat Rogers, Executive Director, Institute for Human Services  
  • Andrew Marietta, Regional Manager, NYCON  
  • Danielle Newell, Smithy Center for the Arts

The Agenda from the Webinar was as follows: 
  • Introductions and an overview of agenda
  • Programmatic collaboration examples 
  • Discussion about STNED and IHS regarding the nonprofit collaboration database 
    • Discussion about the potential for this kind of idea for nonprofits
    • Ideas about possible next steps

Additional Documents from the Webinar: 
Collaboration Presentation 
STNED Handout