But, really, what is this all about? It is all about the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. That thing or mystical being behind the curtain, which may be a scary, unknown quantity or monster, really is your greatest opportunity. Web 2.0 offers you endless marketing and networking possibilities. Share your information immediately online and get your cause heard. Web 2.0 offers you fundraising opportunities. Raise dollars through your social networks on Facebook or in the virtual world on 2nd Life (Point of Interest: Fenimore Art Museum has launched a virtual exhibit on 2nd Life that mirrors their opening exhibit, Gilded Lions and Jeweled Horses: The Synagogue to the Carousel).
Are you interested yet? How about our conversation right now about blogging and all the ins and outs involved? Blogging offers positives...and negatives...especially in terms of what your staff could be saying. Our conversation just focused on the debate of controlling employee opinions. Is this possible? What organizational blogs? What happens if you receive negative feedback? Join in here and share your opinion and ideas.
Now that you've had a peak behind the curtain, how do you make sense of it all? There is a lot going on here. Start simple. One first step is to use RSS feeds, which can be a good friend to you. Are you tired of visiting CNN or MSNBC online to see what the news is? Subscribe to their RSS feed. You will receive an alert or e-mail anytime a news story is posted. Scan over them at your convenience.
Another first step is set up a Google account. Use Google apps to do daily searches on your nonprofit, which will be e-mailed to you. Set up a Google calendar that you and your staff can share and update together. There are many more apps to explore, so check them out!
How about setting up a blog? It is easy to do. For example, use Blogger to set up a blog just like this one I'm posting to now. Blogs can be great tools and allow to put your ideas and info on World Wide Web immediately.
I'm going to end with social bookmarking, which is one of my favorite ideas. Check out del.icio.us and set up your own account! This tool lets you tag and save your favorite websites, making them easy to access and remember why you saved it to begin with. And there is more. Take a look at other users and their networks.
It is a whole new world, a Web 2.0 world. Thank you Valerie for pulling the curtain back and bringing the Wizard to all of us today!
1 comment:
Posted on behalf of Kathie Greenblatt, Catholic Charities:
The presentation was great. I felt like a dinosaur coming in, but at the end of the presentation, I couldn't wait to tweet someone!
Valerie did a terrific job, and if she is representative of what technology can become for us in the future- I say, Bring it on!
I am devoting the next three hours to 2.0 and the resources she gave us to check out. And I hope soon to report that I have a tag cloud forming on the horizon, a You TUBE space for my agency, a google alert for my programs, that I am famous to 15 people, and saught after by the Technorati.
My favorite slide in the presentation is the one showing the Emergence and rise of Social Mass Media. set up, !
I am just afraid that after checking my Voice Mail messages on both desk and cell phones, my cell phone text messages, my e-mail messages, my internal hard copy notes and memos, and my snail mail daily, AND if I begin to google, Blog, VLOG, Screencast, and link- I will never have time to go out and play again!
Again, thank you for all that you do to support our work as local agencies. Put me on your Friend List!
Love Kathie Greenblatt
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